Art director, designer and blah blah blaher


A rare pic where I look fine.

A rare pic where I look fine.

Hi, I’m Simone Risola. Senior art director, designer, creative director, blah blah blaher.
I was born in Lucania, raised in Rome and leavened in Emilia.
I have been working since 2007, while I was completing my bachelor degree in “Graphic and crossmedia design” at Rome University Sapienza (Faculty of Architecture).
In 2009 I joined my first studio (Ninetynine) as junior art director on unconventional communication and BTL projects. My experience in advertising began in 2013, when I became art director in Mosquito. Now I’m senior art director/creative director (art) in Auiki.
Over the years, I have worked on different projects, for clients and media that are the opposite of each other. I did it for national and popular clients (Sambuca Molinari, Acqua Lete, CRAI, National Football Team...), international ones (New Holland, Greenpeace, Playstation...) and very local ones.

Write me at simone.risola [at] or find me here